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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - suspicion


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  1. подозрение on suspicion —- по подозрению to arrest smb. on suspicion of theft —- арестовать кого-л. по подозрению в краже to be above suspicion —- быть вне (выше всяких) подозрений he looked at me with suspicion —- он подозрительно посмотрел на меня, он взглянул на меня с подозрением liable to suspicion —- могущий вызвать подозрение don't lay yourself open to suspicion —- не навлекайте на себя подозрений not the shadow (the ghost) of a suspicion —- ни тени подозрения I have some suspicions about this —- у меня есть на этот счет некоторые подозрения to have a suspicion that... —- подозревать, что... to cast suspicion on smb. —- бросать тень на кого-л. 2. привкус; оттенок a suspicion of a smile —- подобие улыбки a suspicion of irony —- тень иронии with a suspicion of sadness in his tone —- с оттенком грусти в голосе withhout a suspicion of humor —- без капли юмора there was a suspicion of brandy on his breath —- от него попахивало коньяком just a suspicion of garlic —- легкий привкус (запашок) чеснока ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) подозрение; his character is above suspicion - он выше подозрений; on suspicion - по подозрению  2) (a suspicion) чуточка; привкус, оттенок Syn: see doubt ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 the feeling or thought of a person who suspects. 2 the act or an instance of suspecting; the state of being suspected. 3 (foll. by of) a slight trace of. Phrases and idioms above suspicion too obviously good etc. to be suspected. under suspicion suspected. Etymology: ME f. AF suspeciun (OF sospe{ccedil}on) f. med.L suspectio -onis f. L suspicere (as SUSPECT): assim. to F suspicion & L suspicio ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English suspecioun, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~-, suspicio, from suspicere to suspect — more at suspect  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act or an instance of suspecting something wrong without proof or on slight evidence ; mistrust  b. a state of mental uneasiness and uncertainty ; doubt  2. a barely detectable amount ; trace just a ~ of garlic  Synonyms: see uncertainty  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: circa 1637 chiefly dialect suspect ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (suspicions) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Suspicion or a suspicion is a belief or feeling that someone has committed a crime or done something wrong. There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing... The police said their suspicions were aroused because Mr Owens had other marks on his body... Scotland Yard had assured him he was not under suspicion... N-VAR: oft N that, N of n, under N, on N of n 2. If there is suspicion of someone or something, people do not trust them or consider them to be reliable. ...the traditional British suspicion of psychotherapy... He may have had some suspicions of Michael Foster, the editor of the journal... N-VAR: oft N of n 3. A suspicion is a feeling that something is probably true or is likely to happen. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed... N-COUNT: oft N that 4. A suspicion of something is a very small amount of it. (WRITTEN) ...large blooms of white with a suspicion of pale pink. = hint N-SING: usu N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a feeling that someone is probably guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest  (have your suspicions (=think you probably know who did something wrong))  (I'm not sure who took it, but I have my suspicions. | have a sneaking suspicion (=have a slight feeling that someone has done something wrong without having any definite information) | arouse sb's suspicions)  (Neighbours' suspicions were aroused by the bruises on the child's arms.) 2 on suspicion of because someone is thought to be guilty of a crime  (She was arrested on suspicion of killing her boyfriend.) 3 under suspicion someone who is under suspicion of a crime is thought to be guilty of it  (come/fall under suspicion)  (When Stalin was in power everyone came under suspicion, even Communist Party members.) 4 above/beyond suspicion if someone is above or beyond suspicion, they definitely could not be guilty of a crime or have done something wrong  (Just because she knew and liked Dysart did not mean that the man was necessarily above suspicion.) 5 a feeling that you do not trust someone  (She always treated us with suspicion. | look upon/regard sb with suspicion)  (Anyone who expressed any kind of liberal opinion was regarded with deep suspicion.) 6 a feeling that something has happened is true  (There is always a suspicion that the legal system is designed to suit lawyers rather than to protect the public. | suspicion (that))  (I had a suspicion she might be hurt.) 7 a suspicion of sth a very small amount of something seen, heard, tasted etc  (I could see the faintest suspicion of a tear in her eyes.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from Anglo-Fr. suspecioun, from O.Fr. suspeзun, sospeзon "mistrust, suspicion," from L. suspectionem (nom. suspectio) "mistrust, suspicion, fear, awe," from pp. stem of suspicere "look up at" (see suspect). Modern spelling in Eng. infl. by L. suspicionem (nom. suspicio) "suspicion," from suspicere "to suspect." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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